Terraforming Mars is a game about terraforming, which means it’s about making Mars more like Earth. You do this by playing cards that represent different kinds of gardening and climate control, then using them to build up the planet from its barren shell into something that looks like our own home world. It’s not as easy as it sounds!

What it means to terraform Mars

Imagine: Mars is a beautiful planet, with its blue skies, red deserts and green forests. But it’s not quite habitable by human standards yet. That can change! Want to be part of the first crew of people who live on Mars? Then why don’t you learn how we’ll make it possible?

Terraforming is the process of making another planet or moon more like Earth. It could involve heating up the atmosphere or adding greenhouse gases so that there’s enough carbon dioxide in the air for plants to grow as far away from light sources as possible (and so that people don’t need to wear space suits). You can also make oceans larger by melting ice caps at polar regions on your new home planet with giant mirrors pointed at them—or even by dropping rocks into the ocean! The other thing about terraforming is that once you start doing it, there are consequences: You’ll want to keep track of what those effects are throughout each step until you’re done!

What it costs to play Terraforming Mars

The game costs $79.99, which includes all of the components you need to play. That’s not a bad deal when you consider that Terraforming Mars has been called “the best board game in years.” It also comes with a free iOS/Android app, which makes the game easier to play and helps make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to what cards they have available. The app is optional—you can still use your physical cards if you prefer—but it’s recommended because it makes things go much more smoothly when playing with multiple people.

So long as you have an internet connection, this app is truly awesome!

What kinds of decisions you’ll make as you play

The game revolves around the decisions you make. You are given a board that has different regions and terrains on it, and each turn you will be able to place tiles onto your region based on what terrain you want there. There are also cards that allow you to do certain things in a certain order, such as planting trees or raising an ocean level. Players can also spend their money on different actions throughout the game such as research or building more buildings in Mars, but these actions cost reputation points which means that if there is not enough reputation then one cannot do anything with their money.

Renessaince, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons – cropped


In the end, Terraforming Mars is a great game for fans of economic strategy and space exploration. The rules are simple and accessible, but there’s enough depth in the game to keep even experienced players engaged. If you’re looking for something that feels like a board game but has more strategy than most traditional ones do, this is an excellent choice!

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